Classes I Offer...
I am a Certified Usui/Holy Fire III Reiki/Master Teacher, and Holy Fire III Karuna Reiki Master/Teacher. I offer classes in all levels, from Reiki 1-Reiki Master/Teacher. Class times vary in length from 1-3 days and are generally held on weekend days (Fri.-Sun.) Each class day is eight hours long. Classes include your Reiki Manual, classroom instruction, hands-on practice (Giving & Receiving Reiki), and are lively, interactive and fun! Every student receives a beautiful certificate for their level of completion.
Most students find Reiki classes deeply healing on a personal level, and often, just the time spent in classes can be life-changing on many levels. Reiki 1- is primarily for self-healing, and can induce profound changes physically, emotionally, and spiritually in the practitioner. ( Pre-requisite-none) It is a beautiful gift of self-love, and self-care. Reiki 2- introduces the first three Reiki Symbols, strengthens the Reiki energy within the practitioner, and with the attunement to the Reiki 2 energy, many practitioners will begin a Reiki practice of their own, serving family, friends, or the public. (Pre-requisite- Completion of Reiki 1, any lineage, and proof of certificate.)
Reiki 3- introduces the Reiki Master symbol, and allows students to become attuned to the higher frequency of Reiki energy at the Master level. (Pre-requisite- Completion of Reiki 1 & 2, any lineage, with proof of certificates, and a minimum of 6 months since completion of Reiki 2) Reiki 4- provides the student all of the tools necessary to become a Master/Teacher themselves. I generally teach Reiki Master/Teacher in a single 3-day weekend.
Karuna Reiki Master/Teacher- Is a Master class for Reiki Masters. Karuna introduces eight new symbols, as well as chanting and toning during Reiki sessions. Karuna allows the practitioner to really fine tune the Reiki energy for very specific applications, areas of the body, or specific needs the client may have. Reiki and the use of these eight symbols becomes "laser-focused", and the addition of chanting or toning the symbols over the client's body, raises the vibrational healing to a whole new level. Pre-requisite-Completion of Reiki Master level or Reiki Master/Teacher level (with proof of certification), and a minimum of 6 months since certified as a Reiki Master) *Please note-You may secure your space for a class with a deposit, balance is due the morning of the first class (cash or check). Deposits are non-refundable, however, you may apply them to the same class at a later date, a different class, or other services that I offer. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Basic Shamanism Classes...
I also offer 2 levels of Basic Shamanism classes. In the Basic Shamanism Class, we talk about the roots of Shamanism throughout the world, a bit about it's history, and it's relevance to our world today. In this class, you will also take a Shamanic Journey (to the "Lower World") to retrieve, and bring back a Power Animal, as well as learn the basic principles of Shamanic Journeying. We all have Power Animals, and Compassionate Helping Spirits, and have had since we arrived on Earth. Learn how to work with yours for assistance in day to day life, as well as developing a deeper connection to Nature, your own higher self, and other sentient beings.
In Basic Shamanism 2- You will learn how to journey for yourself using only a rattle, and will learn how to journey to the "Upper World" to find your Human Form Teacher for guidance, teaching, and assistance when needed. We will expand on ideas and principles learned in Basic Shamanism. (Pre-requisite- You must have completed the Basic Shamanism class with me at least two months prior to taking this class.)

Reiki 1- Price: $250 (Taught in 1 day)
Reiki 2- Price: $ 300 (Taught in 1 day)
Reiki 1 & 2 Price: $500 (Taught in a 2-day weekend)

Reiki Master (Level 3) Price: $500 (Taught in a 2-day weekend)
Karuna Reiki Master Class Price: $975 (Taught in a 3-day weekend)
Reiki Master/Teacher (Level 4) Price: $975 (Taught in a 3-day weekend)

Basic Shamanism Class (3 Hours) Price: $75
Advanced Shamanic Journeying (3 Hours) Price: $75
Please note- To see when classes are being offered, please check the Current Events/Classes page. If you are interested in scheduling a one-on-one Reiki, or Shamanism class, please use the Contact Form to reach out to me.