The Wild Thing

She's alive, and stirring once again!

Esme West

2/1/20231 min read

Ah...the Wild Thing that lives deep inside of me, and has for all of my life as far as I know, has awakened once again. She stays quiet, and dormant for months, sometimes years at a time, and then suddenly, as if poked by a stick, it awakens and roars to life. Always, without fail, shaking the very earth I stand upon.

I believe this go 'round the stick took the form of the New Year dawning, and the loss of someone who was once so very dear to me. Lover, companion, partner in crime and shenanigans...suddenly, just gone. His death at a mere 54 years old, shook me in unexpected ways. It made me realize anew that this day, perhaps this present moment is really the only thing we are guaranteed. And it made me question how am I filling my days? How am I being present, and aware of each precious, fleeting moment?

And with those thoughts swirling in my mind, bouncing around like a shiny pinball in my head and deep in my spirit, I began to feel the stirring, the uneasiness, and the dissatisfaction that always comes when the Wild Thing awakens once again.

So here I am, rebuilding myself once again, recreating me, rebranding, releasing, and turning completely upside down everything I've built the past several years. Hence, the new domain host, new website, new email, and a new way of looking at my practice that feels more aligned, more balanced, and more authentically me!

Many more changes will come in the days, weeks, and months ahead. A fairly epic solo road trip is in the near future, and it may very well become a lifestyle, who knows? Esme, the Wandering Nomad? We'll see. One thing I am certain of, this time, perhaps for the first time in my life, I won't make any attempts to reign in the Wild Thing. She deserves a fair shot at running the show for awhile.

If you'd like to follow along, and join me during my wanderings, (both physical and spiritual) be sure to subscribe!